CFG - Complete Friggin Genius

Friday, June 24, 2005

CFG - Complete Friggin Genius

CFG - Complete Friggin Genius

It is a different world out there of people who are geeks in the heart but try hard not to act like one so that they have a chance of mingling in with the normal junta. I call then CFG's and the comic strips below depict some real life experiences or some insights that I gained during my tryst here at CSE Department, IITK.

This happened during a CS330 - Operating Systems class. Prof. Moona was telling about how old jobs remained scheduled in computers in old times. The class laughed and I do not deny smiling myself.

I came up with this one during one of my classes of CS340 - Theory of Computation while we were studying Regular Expressions. Later we spent nights laughing about absolute non-sense during our CS425-Networks assignments (we refers to:V. Bhanu Chandra, Manu Bansal, Siddhartha Jain and myself).

More to come soon ......